While making websites using ASP.NET, a developer always have to decide either his site will be following all W3C standards or he is just another IE fan. Well following standards is no more a problem as MSDN has a nice article for all of us on "
Building ASP.NET 2.0 Web Sites using Web Standards." It is a very comprehensive article covering all aspects of cross browser compatibility with code samples as well. A must read for every web developer.
Click here to read the article.
nice blog u got here.
very well structured and precise.
quality of material is also amazing.
as for this blog, i give it a high five since i can now thump it at my anti microsoft webdeveloping friends....
posted by
Atif Abdul-Rahman |
1:03 AM
Thanks Ali and Atif :)
posted by
Zeeshan Muhammad |
1:58 AM