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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Ubuntu - another Linux distribution, which is gaining quite a reputation, arrived at my placed yesterday with 5 set of disks so I can copy and distibute them among others. But before that I decided to pop in the disk and see what the fuss is all about. Well there were 2 disks, one installation and other is a live distro means it can boot Linux directly from your CDROM. Before installing the distro, I launch the live disk to see what makes it different from other distros. Well first it took hell of a time to lauch and it cost me almost 10 minutes to boot completely. Second it has same GNOME desktop which is quite similar among other distros. Third it can't read your NTFS partitions and last it is damn slow. However, on the other hand it has almost all applications bundled so an average user will find no need in get in the hassle of finding OSS online. But this live CD has no comparision with Knoppix. Knoppix is fast, can read NTFS, boot faster and it even comes with a mono installion on a new distro, Monnopix. I think I should stick towards Redhat and Knoppix to fill in my ever increasing appetite for OSS. But still if you want to give it a shot, then you can order your copy here, free of charge.

posted by Zeeshan Muhammad @ 6:50 PM |