Yesterday I went to Hotel PC (Pearl Continental) to collect my Delegate Kit of PDC 2005. The kit is good and contains a Spider Magazine June 2005 issue (which have my article too), 2 ASP.NET Training CDs with a sample demo application, our INETA Pakistan first Newsletter in print, a PDC 2005 resource CD, a brouchre containing PDC Agenda and speaker details, Pen and notepad, a few resources on MS Offices and advertisements, my PDC student delegate ID and instruction leaflet for the attendees. All these are inside a PDC 05 bag. We received some complaints about the PDC kits at our
INETA Pakistan mailing list, but I think the kit is good. Leaving for PC again within an hour to setup our INETA Pakistan community lounge there. Will write more as soon as I return. See you at PDC 05.