These tutorial topics demonstrate how to build a simple voice-only application using the tools in the Microsoft Speech Application SDK Version 1.0 (SASDK) in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003. You will build a Start page of an imaginary pizza ordering service, for use by a telephony Speech Application Language Tags (SALT) client.
Goals of the TutorialThe tutorial demonstrates the basic structure and data organization of a simple, voice-only speech application for a telephony environment. It shows the use of the SASDK tools in Visual Studio to create grammars, to record prompts, to create a dialogue with callers, and to test the application under development.
The tutorial does not cover all the requirements for a production speech application. For instance, it does not cover all the error-checking and confirmation strategies that production applications require, such as dealing with mumbled or unrecognized speech, setting recognition or confirmation thresholds, providing the alternative of touch-tone input, or providing error-recovery paths. It does not deal with the many facets of the audio characteristics of prompts, such as increasing or decreasing the pauses or silence at the beginning and ending of prompts, or smoothing concatenations of prompts to get a more pleasing response. It does not provide a way to display, print or store the received and confirmed results, nor does it provide a method to identify a particular session or caller.
The tutorial does not cover multimodal applications with visual components or desktop applications. The sample Using Tap-and-talk covers multimodal applications.
View tutorial here.